If you took a close look at the amount of money you spent each month, you’d be surprised at all things you buy that aren’t really worth it. Last month, I decided to “trim the fat” from my spending. So, I looked at my debit card transactions (since that’s how I typically spend money) cut $… Here’s what I found to cut.
- $11.95 on credit monitoring service
- $21.95 on Blockbuster Online subscription
- $24.25 on renter’s insurance
- $26 on Cinemax and HBO (do I really need to watch that many moves?)
- $90 on cell phone bill
- $145 on car insurance
- Total = $174.15
It took some work, but I was able to cut $100 from these expenses. How’d I do it?
- Cancelled the credit montoring service
- Cancelled Blockbuster Online
- Reduced insurance coverage and saved $7
- Cancelled HBO & Cinemax
- Lowered cell phone bill by $30 by cutting out features and reducing my rate plan
- Got some discounts and cut car insurance by $9
I know I’ll have to adjust to the drastic reduction in movie availability, but I’ll survive. What am I doing with the extra $100? Saving it.
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